Palestinian protest family Tamimi says shuttle abroad denied

by using associated Press

September 9 at three:17 PM

RAMALLAH, West bank — The family unit of youngster Palestinian protester Ahed Tamimi says they've been banned from traveling overseas.

Her father, Bassem, pointed out they were suggested by the Palestinian Ministry of Civil Affairs they're barred via the Israeli Authorities from leaving.

He noted they have been set to leave closing week upon invitation through professional-Palestinian organizations in Belgium, France and Spain.

There changed into no immediate comment from Israel Sunday.

Ahed, 17, was released from Israeli prison earlier this year. She changed into arrested in December after she slapped two Israeli troopers backyard her domestic.

For Palestinians and their supporters, she grew to become an emblem of resistance to Israel's half-century-historical militia rule.

In Israel she is broadly seen either as a provocateur, a naive youth manipulated via her elders or a danger to its military deterrence.

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